OK, it’s back to you now, this main life category is full of potential for you to grow, learn new skills and cultivate your talents; all it needs is for you to grasp the opportunity and run like the wind. It’s where you dream big, go for your goals and mark your place in this world.
You will always face major challenges, you’ll go through high and lows, but as you grow YOU will discover the real you. I’ve seen my eldest daughter, Holly, go through difficult times but emerge more confident, more resilient, facing her fears head on.
So, what dreams do you have for your exciting future? If you’re struggling with ideas, then read on for some inspiration.
Find Your Direction
Do you feel a strong inner need to embrace life and all it has to offer? Are meandering along unclear of your purpose? Do you need help and support to point you in the right direction and find your life path? Are you looking for the compass to greater confidence and self-worth!
Dream Careers
Are you studying towards your future career, looking for work and making a career change? Do you have flair for a particular field? Do you see yourself in hospitality, community service, medicine or banking? Perhaps you want to be at the cutting edge of technology. Does your dream job involve you learning a trade, going to night school or have you set your sights on university?
Finding Love
Do you feel like you are looking for love in all the wrong places? Does your potential Prince or Princess always turn out to be a toad? Are you struggling to meet someone that you can call your life partner? Need to plan that perfect date or spoil someone special?
Plan Your Wedding
Have you already met that someone special? Do you know they’re the one for you? Do you want to celebrate the union of two kindred spirits, soul mates on your life journey? Are you excited at the thought of planning your wedding day? There’s so many things to organise and co-ordinate!
Make a Statement: I’m Looking Good!
Do you have a special event to attend or someone special you want to impress? Are their clothes in your wardrobe you would not be seen in public in? Is your dream to expand your wardrobe? Take the time to make yourself handsome or beautiful, dress to impress and ‘knock Em dead’!
Your Family and Community
We all need to feel part of something special! Our family and friends are an important part of who we are and the decisions we make in life! Does your interpretation of family include your wider community? Do you want to help make a difference to others less fortunate? Perhaps you are ready to start your own family, or has news of an imminent arrival taken you by surprise?
You can achieve whatever you desire in ‘Self Development’! Give yourself permission to learn new things and ignite your passion! You know the things that motivate you to get out of bed every morning. Always strive to build a better quality of life for you and your loved ones. So, arm yourself with a good dose of DISCIPLINE, FOCUS and DETERMINATION, and you will be on your way!
I’m Allan Bennett! I’m managing my rainbow and I would love to help you manage yours. So, connect with me today for a FREE Discovery Chat, and take a step closer to the pot at the end of your rainbow.
Enjoy your journey!