Life and Leisure is MY FAVOURITE category, it’s full of fun and excitement. It’s where you dream of doing all the things you love to do and living life like there’s no tomorrow.
My daughter, Jemma, loves to travel, she constantly dreams of getting on a jet plane and flying off to exotic destinations. For many of us that can feel out of our reach, but it doesn’t stop Jemma dreaming of where she’d love to go, it drives her to save every cent towards her travel goals.
So, what flashes through your mind? Take yourself outside your comfort zone, seize your opportunity and push yourself to do something extraordinary. Life and Leisure is full of exciting opportunities to enjoy. Satisfy your inner passion, embrace life and in the long run you will find life even more rewarding.
Remember the power is with you and only you! Do yourself a favour and take the action to make your Life and Leisure’ dreams come true. Make some lasting memories for you to cherish that will last a lifetime.
What will you do to activate your Life and Leisure? Here’s a taster of what you could aim for!
Activate Your Travel Bug
Travel and Adventure is becoming more affordable and the world is definitely there waiting for you! Never before has the opportunity to explore new places and experience different cultures been possible. Have you explored our big, wonderful island with all its breathtaking scenery? Is trekking in Nepal on your bucket list? Does the idea of a cruise float your boat or do you have an urge to visit historic places in Europe? Perhaps, what you really want is a relaxing pamper weekend to recharge your batteries?
Energise Your Mind and Body
Do you enjoy physical activity? Do you have a passion for all things sport? Is your dream to take part in Australian Rules football or is tennis more your thing. Perhaps fishing and boating could be more of an interest, reeling you in hook line and sinker? Maybe you’re a dance or music enthusiast. My favourite mother-in-law is passionate about baking sour dough bread, so like her, maybe cooking fires you up and gets your creative juices flowing.
Get off the Couch and Go Out
Do you love culture and the Arts? Perhaps you are a theatre lover who may also enjoy dining out with family and friends? Or, maybe you are a cinema junky, waiting expectantly for the next Star Wars movie release.
Love Your Wheels
Whatever gets your motor running? Some of us just want a set of wheels to get from A to B. While others have a great passion for their wheels and see their car as an extension of who they are and what they have achieved. Either way, do you dream of that very cool car or perhaps you’re ready to get your driving licence and want to buy your very first car?
Show off Your Creativity
Are you more of a creative soul who yearns to express yourself with your own hands? Arts and crafts may hit the mark or is photography something you want to expose yourself to?
I’m Allan Bennett! I’m managing my rainbow and I would love to help you manage yours. So, connect with me today for a FREE Discovery Chat, and take a step closer to the pot at the end of your rainbow.
Enjoy your journey!