Imagine I’m a rainbow genie with a magic lamp and I grant you 3 wishes. You can be, do or have anything you want. On one hand it sounds exciting, on the other hand you may feel huge responsibility to make the right choices. Would you wish for travel and adventure, your dream home, a hot set of wheels or perhaps your dream career?
Sadly, I’m no rainbow genie, the only lamp I own sits beside my bed, so the simple truth is, only you are responsible for generating the income you need to live the life you want. So, let’s think about it, what foundations can you build to secure your financial future. Will you stash your cash in the bank to grow, will you accumulate an investment property portfolio, will you buy some shares or perhaps invest in your superannuation.
Let’s face it, you don’t need to be rich to be wealthy, but financial independence is something to aim for. So, how will you create your wealth:
Grow Your Savings
Do you have a piggy bank to keep your loose coins in? Have you got savings in a safe place where they can grow in value? Do you have a fun project you need to save for, such as; an exciting holiday, fund your university, buy a new car or save a deposit for your first home? Maybe you need to grow a nest egg as a buffer for when those rainy days appear!
Invest in Property
Are you excited at the thought of investing in bricks and mortar? Do you like the idea of receiving rent so someone else is paying for your investment? Would you like to take advantage of the favourable tax breaks this may bring? Would you buy a new property? Perhaps you’d prefer an older investment to renovate, subdivide or develop!
Pay Less Tax
Nobody likes to pay tax! But there is an upside! If you’re paying tax then you’re making money, but with the right advice and strategies you may limit your liability. Keep more money in your pocket to do the things you want to do.
Prepare for Retirement
Do you know when you want to retire? Have you started to seriously plan for life after work? Are you aware of the amount of money you need to achieve your retirement goals? Are you looking for the strategies to ensure you achieve financial security in your golden years?
Shares & Bonds
Are you attracted by the thought of speculating on the stock market? Do you like the idea of owning an equity stake in a corporation or are the security of bonds more interesting?
You can achieve whatever you desire in ‘Wealth Creation’! Its about making your money grow so you can secure the financial future you want and deserve. This will enable you to achieve so many things in all the other main life categories.
I’m Allan Bennett! I’m managing my rainbow and I would love to help you manage yours. So, connect with me today for a FREE Discovery Chat, and take a step closer to the pot at the end of your rainbow.
Enjoy your journey!