Love, self-worth and happiness is who I’m going to be!
Can you remember a time in your life when you doubted your ability to do something that was asked of you or that you wanted for yourself? You know that critical inner voice that’s in all our heads that may question whether we are deserving or capable.
I know I can! There have been many times when I allowed fear to stop me from starting or even finishing something. I gave self-doubt control! Instead of pushing through the fear and embracing new challenges, I allowed self-doubt to slow my progress and even stop me in my tracks. I look back now with regret at some missed opportunities in life. Opportunities that would have seen me working towards achieving some pretty exciting goals and dreams.
Self-doubt is one of my Dream Breakers! It may challenge the very essence of who you are. It’s the first and most significant Dream Breaker because it may challenge your self-belief. It has the ability to stifle your confidence and may stop you from working towards the things in life that can bring you genuine happiness.
We all have our own doubts and fears to overcome! The key is to understand the fear that grips you and not allow it and self-doubt to stop you. Rather, you need to turn it around and use this Dream Breaker to your advantage.
You may feel alone in dealing with your fears, but it’s important to realise that you are not. One such person who has had this realisation is Aaron Wilson, a young man who has had to overcome key challenges in his life. His personal journey prompted him to write a number of powerful poems and he’s agreed for me to share one of these with you about overcoming self-doubt and finding self-belief:
I’m sitting down to write these words …
I’m sitting down to write these words
To let my feelings free
The pain, self-doubt and suffering
Is who I used to be
Years and years of feeling down
The loss of my self-worth
Struggling to smile at all
A bane upon the Earth
I’d make a goal like those around
That I never would achieve
My failure was the fear I had
And all I could perceive
Yet time went by and moments passed
The goals I made arrived
Epiphanies of what must be
T’was time to be alive
I started smiling to myself
No one needed to see
To be happy and smile for others
I first needed to smile for me
It took some time to realise
Anger, pain and woe
All at once was leaving me
A public positivity I now began to show
Talking to some people
I had never met before
They spoke of these same feelings
It shook me to my core
Bit by bit I understood
I was not that isolated
Others feeling worse than I
Their lives and selves they hated
I spoke to them of what I knew
The way I overcame
The feelings that had held back
And caused me so much pain
A smile every now and then
To keep me thinking clear
Always to remember love
And know that it is near
With every happy moment
Whether by yourself or not
Begin to radiate with love
And love with all you’ve got
What I’ve found most important
In my years or there about
Is the love that you would like to get
Is what you must put out
Talk to those who need a friend
Give a little time
Then even in your darkest days
Your heart will always shine
Remember those that you have helped
Whether big or small
The size of help is not what matters
But that you helped at all
Even if you feel you’ve never
Helped to mend a heart
It’s never too late to start anew
And begin to play your part
Together we’re unbreakable
We’re Solid and we’re strong
A unity beyond belief
A love that’s never wrong
No matter what your gender
Your race or who you love
You will be accepted
And we will rise above
No matter if you doubt yourself
Feel pain or always down
I hope you start to feel the love
From people all around
I’m sitting down to write these words
To let my feelings free
The love, self-worth and happiness
Is who I’m going to be
Aaron is very talented and I’d like to thank him for giving me permission to share his heartfelt poem.
if you have an inspirational poem or your own story of success, then I’d love to hear from you by email – dream@managemyrainbow.com.au or via my Contact Page
I’m Allan Bennett! I’m managing my rainbow and I would love to help you manage yours. So, connect with me today for a FREE Discovery Chat, and take a step closer to the pot at the end of your rainbow.
Enjoy your journey!